About Me

Using our gifts to glorify God is one of the greatest things we can do for His Kingdom...

The background was my comfort zone most of my life. I kept my gifts behind closed doors and I thought being a Christian was about sitting in the back seat. God showed me through this Holy Spirit written blog I couldn't have been further from the truth. In actuality being a Christian will in many cases bring you to the drivers seat. However we must ensure that we sit behind the wheel as vessels for the Holy Spirt and not as ourselves.

What you read on this site is the result of an adventurous beautiful relationship between me and the Holy Spirit. Every word is through an exchange. He tells me every word, and shows me images and visions. The goal? To show His love to you! God is fighting for you on every level. He wants to win your attention and even more your heart. Everyday He is raising up people like you and me with hearts ready to be used. All to reach those who are trapped.

This blog is for the worst of sinners. The people who feel washed up, torn, used and broken. This blog is for people angry at God, murderers, rapists, slanderers, liars, drug addicts, pornography addicts, substance abusers--you name it. This is for you. My goal is to allow myself to be used to reach out to you and reflect God's love. There's nothing you can do that will tear the love He has for you. There is hope for your redemption no matter how far away you've gone.

As I said before, I have always been the background chick. I was never the pretty girl, and to most folks I wasn't very talented either. By many definitions I was the lowest of the low. I've actually had people use me to make them look better when they went out, and I've been rejected in almost every way a girl can be rejected. I've been told constantly I'm ugly, and I've been told that the only men who ever showed interest in me was because of my body. I've heard it all. Because of it all I was brought to a place of self-hatred so deep that I would shower in the dark, dress in the dark, and I would get panic attacks from just looking at my reflection in the mirror or store windows walking past. This was when Jesus Christ saw it in His beautiful heart to step into my life. For the first time, I was told I was beautiful. For the first time I was shown that I have talents worth showing the world. Even when I made mistake after mistake, falling to pornography, turning to my old ways, and distancing myself from Him, He didn't reject me. It was then I realized that rejection was no longer a part of me. There is someone who loves me and His love is unconditional. Don't get me wrong, Christians face rejection everyday from the world because we are no longer a part of it. But the love of Jesus Christ surpasses that rejection so much that it brings elevation at the presence of those who allow themselves to be mouthpieces of satan. Now one thing I won't do is leave you with the idea that I accepted Jesus into my heart and lived happily ever after. I can't lie to you all like that! Everyday it's a battle! Everyday I find myself apologizing to God for something should have or shouldn't have done. I look at myself and see improvements I still need to make and things of the world I still need to let go. But also everyday I see things I no longer run to for comfort, addictions I've shaken, demons I've defeated, all thanks to Jesus Christ.

Whether you are already on your road with Christ, or if you never want to know Him, let's condense all of this down to this point: Jesus Christ loves you, and there's nothing you can do about it! Don't let satan keep you from God's gift. Accept it and find a new life filled His everlasting love.




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