God is waiting for you!

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Let's take a moment to think about Heaven.

Imagine being in the presence of God forever! Angels surrounding you singing beautiful melodies to God, and you dancing in the face of greatness shouting praises to His name.

In Heaven there is no sickness, no pain, no fears, and no worries. There's no need for a job, a degree, a friend, a husband, a wife, a doctor, or a lawyer--God is everything you need and more. God's glory fulfills you on every level.

Now back to earth.

In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches us how to pray. He gives us a prayer to say to our father. Here's a line that stands out:

Matthew 6:10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

If it is so on earth as it is in Heaven, then why do we worry? Why do we fear?

In Heaven God is all that we need. God is calling for us to see Him in the same way on earth. We are turning to the world to fill the voids in our hearts, and it's unsuccessful. Then comes the worrying and the stress. God wants us to come to Him for any and everything.

God's glory isn't restricted to Heaven. He wants to pour His glory on you right now. But how can we receive it if we are set on finding temporary fixes to our problems?

I challenge you to tell God He is all you need--and mean it. Let's pull ourselves away from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Netflix, video games, television and all other distractions.

Think of who God is. He is mighty and nothing short of amazing! This is the same God who parted the Red Sea so His people may cross. He is the same God who sent His angels to close the mouths of lions when His servant Daniel was in the lions den. Last but far from least, He sent His son to come here and die in the most horrific way for us. He loves us so much that He allowed it to happen so that we can be forgiven.

That beautiful and merciful God is the same God that we have access to speak with through Jesus Christ. What an honor! He wants to hear from us! He loves to hear our voices. Jesus died so the veil could be torn. Take advantage of what's been given to you and spend time with Him.

Don't consider every interaction with God to be formal gestures. Approaching God in that way will eventually turn you off and lead you to distractions. Instead see Him for who He is, a friend. Tell Him about your day. Talk to Him about your worries and fears. Even if you are angry, it's ok. When I am overwhelmed and I feel like my life is too much, I tell Him. I tell God that I feel like I can't handle it.

Have fun with God. Enjoy His presence!

Don't let the enemy fool you with the distractions of this world. He has made it so that we crave those things instead of God. Satan tries to make us see our relationship with God as more of a chore than a treasure. Everything will eventually age on this earth. YouTube gets boring after a while, and so does Facebook. God's glory will fulfill us forever. In Heaven we will be with God forever, and believe me, you won't complain nor face boredom.

There are treasures God has to offer, and He is saying we don't have to wait until we are in Heaven to enjoy it. He is ready to pour it out on us. So ditch the distractions and bask in His glory!

John 6 Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." 

Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

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