God will come like the rain!

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Last night I was spending time with God listening to Jesus Culture's rendition of "My Soul Longs for You." He gave me His assurance and told me to give you His assurance as well. As the song says, God is going to come into your life like the rain. This is a year of clearance. God wants to clear our heart and make us fresh to prepare us for what is coming. This means easing you of any worries, fears, enemies, financial issues, and the list goes on. He plans to move you to higher places. Each of us have our own list of blessings God plans to release this year. All of it is to prepare you for your ministry.

So let's think about the characteristics of rain, and how it applies to this prophetic encouraging message God told us.

Rain comes unexpectedly:

A meteorologist can only tell you so much about the weather. Sure they can find out what days it will rain and they can pinpoint the hours of the day to expect showers--but even then they could be wrong. But God is the only one who knows the exact moment when rain will come. Makes sense since He created the world right? In this same way even though we know God will elevate us this year, only He knows exactly when. Yes, God plans to do great things for you this year. But that doesn't mean all of your blessings will come pouring in immediately. The beautiful thing about God is He's never a sloppy giver. When He gives you something or someone He strategically plans everything. Even though things on earth have a timestamp, God still gives you blessings on earth that sustain. In order for God to do that, you must be prepared. You must be at a place where you can receive the blessing and be a blessing to those around you. God's timing is perfect--remember that. So instead of asking God why something hasn't happened yet, try asking Him to reveal the things you need to work on before you can receive it.

Have you ever heard reporters freak out on the news about this big storm coming, and once it comes it's only a few sprinkles? Or maybe you heard on the news that there's only going to be a little showers just to go outside and find out it's pouring. Only God knows how the rain will come. We can only make educated guesses. Apply this to the outlook on the year. We know something great is coming, but we don't know exactly what. It may be spiritual elevation, or it may be elevation in the world. It could be a little bit of both! The point is don't place borders on God by defining it. Remember God wants you to be prepared for what He has for you. You can never be prepared for spiritual blessings if you're too busy trying to figure out what job or clothes God will bless you with this year. Just stay in the present and praise God for who He is. Everything else is just icing on an already delicious cake.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

It comes in abundance:

Here's a challenge for you. Next time it rains, go outside and try to catch every raindrop. A little impossible, isn't it? So if God is telling you He's going to come like the rain, this means He's going to shower you so greatly that you can't even contain it all. Before some of you blow off this statement by thinking it can't happen to you, consider this: it has already been done.

Before Peter (formerly known as Simon) became a disciple for Jesus Christ, he was a fisherman. He wasn't a good one either. When Jesus approached him, he was struggling to catch fish. He gave his all to this task and still didn't experience success. We are all familiar with that struggle. You sent 50 résumés out, but you get nothing but rejections. You worked all that overtime just for Uncle Sam to take most of it. Now you're stuck wondering how everything is going to get paid. We can go on forever right? Well Peter was in this same situation. Jesus told him to go out into deep water and lay out his net. It's bad enough Peter hasn't had success with catching fish, but now he has this Man randomly walk up to him and tell him to go even further out of his way and try again. So in other words, even though you were rejected by 50 jobs in one month, Jesus is telling you to apply for that job you are no where near qualified for. Even though you've worked your butt off and only received $100 more on your check, Jesus is telling you not to work overtime. Instead trust that He will give you the means you need to make ends meet. It seems far-fetched right? So do you trust Him?

Peter seemed a little skeptical at first. He told Jesus,

Luke 5:5 “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything."

But Peter trusted Him. He completed his sentence,

Luke 5:5 "But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

Jesus took that mustard seed of faith and sprouted it into a beautiful abundance.

Luke 5:6-7 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.

Jesus didn't just give them a few fish. He gave them a big load of fish. It doesn't rain one drop at a time. Even during the mildest of showers, raindrops come plentifully to the ground. So don't think He won't do it in your life. When Jesus had this encounter with Peter it was before he was saved. He even acknowledged immediately afterwards that he was a sinner. So don't let Satan convince you that God won't do it for you. If He did it before, He can do it again!

It causes seeds to grow:
After Jesus blessed Peter with an abundance of fish, He didn't turn around a take a picture of it so Peter can post it on Facebook. Though put jokingly, the point is important. God gives to us so we can be blessings to others. After blessing him, Jesus told Peter,

Luke 5:10-11  “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.

Now I can write a whole post on those verses alone. It's so loaded with God's wisdom. Jesus gave Peter an assignment to help others. Later down the line Peter went on and introduced thousands of people to Jesus Christ. But it all started with that blessing Jesus gave him. We are planters. When God gives us things we are to plant it in places where it will multiply. Peter literally spent all night searching for fish, and just like that Jesus came and gave him so many fish that he could barely contain it. Now Peter could have stayed there and clung to his fish, BUT HE KNEW JESUS WAS WORTH MORE. Why settle for a creation and reject the creator?  If Peter would have stayed, as plentiful as the fish was, it would have ran out eventually. Then he would have been right back where he started. So when God blesses you, remember who is more important. Use your blessing to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ.

John 4:14 "But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

It cleanses the land:
After Jesus blessed him, Peter admitted he was a sinner and for that reason he was wiped clean. There are things we struggle with that pull us away from God. But God is going to encounter you and wipe you clean of those things. Remember God wants you to be prepared for the blessings He has for you. You can't be fully prepared if you are struggling with releasing some things. Let God in. He wants to help you let go of those stumbling blocks.  

So hold on tight. Like the song says, tell God your soul longs for Him. Seek Him. In due time He will come into your life this year and blow you away with His greatness. Just remember with blessings come responsibility. So use your gifts to help the next person. For that you will receive eternal gifts and eternal happiness.

Ezekiel 36:25-27 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. 

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