Satan is attacking us in the same he will be exposed!

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So far this year has been pretty tough for a lot of us. There are things you went through that you never want to go through again. When you look back on it you can still feel the stress you felt during that trial. A few months ago, God told me I will never have to go through the troubles I've faced in 2014 ever again. This word doesn't just apply to my life. It applies to your life as well. God has closed some doors and defeated demons who will never be able to attack you again. We have to trust God and believe whatever we went through is over. God delivered us and elevated us according to His will.

Remember this because lately Satan is attacking many of us through our past. He's been setting up situations similar to our past experiences to scare us. He wants us to be discouraged, and he tells us that this situation will always haunt us. Don't be fooled by him. Even though your situation seems like it's the same ordeal you overcame, keep reminding yourself it's not. You will not be attacked in those same ways. God will not let it go that far. Don't be quick to assume your current situation is going to drag out the same way your past situation did.

So I'm sure some of you are wondering, why is God letting Satan do this? God is allowing this to happen so you can let go of your past. A fundamental element of closure is telling yourself that part of your life is closed. Meaning it will never happen again. That requires trust. God wants to show you that He is not going to let your past experiences happen to you again. You learned what He wanted you to learn from that situation and now it's over. As I am writing this, I see you encircled by a group of familiar enemies. They are demons you've defeated. They are angry and they want to harm you. You are afraid because you think you are going to have to fight the same battle again. So you are sitting down in the middle of all these enemies depressed, scared, and crying out to God. God is letting you know--these demons want to attack you but they can't. God allowed these demons to surround you to show you that you are ok through His protection. Once you see how God is going to clear this situation up, then you will no longer fear the battles of your past.

Let's take a look at David. He ran from Saul for years. Saul was jealous because he knew God snatched the throne from him and gave it to David. Saul figured if he killed David, he could keep his royal status. David and his men hid in caves and all over to get away from Saul. Satan was working through Saul to target David. He was hoping to kill him because he knew how great of a king he would be. He knew David would lead Israel to God. Not to mention David's genealogy would eventually include Jesus Christ.

God gave David victory over his enemy when Saul died in battle. Then David went on to be king. He was a great king at that. He praised God constantly and became an example to God's people. Happy story right? Well not quite. Satan tried to attack David with his past in the same way he is trying to attack you.

So Absalom, David's son began to plot against him to rob him of his throne. Can you imagine how David felt? It's bad enough he had to flee from Saul who tried to kill him to take the position God gave him. Now he had to deal with his son doing the same thing! Satan is trying to replicate the same circumstances David went through with Saul. The keyword is he tried. He can't succeed because God won't let him. When Saul died God closed that door. Through Saul's death God defeated that demon in David's life and no other demon will ever be able to attack him in that way again.

Let me pause for a second to make a side point.

As David was fleeing from his son, he came across a man named Shimei.

He [Shimei] pelted David and all the king’s officials with stones, though all the troops and the special guard were on David’s right and left. As he cursed, Shimei said, “Get out, get out, you murderer, you scoundrel! The Lord has repaid you for all the blood you shed in the household of Saul, in whose place you have reigned. The Lord has given the kingdom into the hands of your son Absalom. You have come to ruin because you are a murderer!” 2 Samuel 16:6-8

The devil constantly waits for that perfect moment to tell you you're nobody. The moment he sees you down, he seizes the opportunity to get you to question the anointing God has given you. Trials and tribulations don't define your anointing, it refines it. Just because you are at a lower place now doesn't mean that's where you will always be. Satan knows this, and that is why he waits for your down moments to attack. Shimei knew that if he said what he said to David when he was on his throne he would have been killed immediately. So he waited until David was down to throw stones. In this same way Satan knows if he tried to question your anointing when you are prayed up, you would rebuke him and have him fleeing back to hell where he belongs. Just another example that proves Satan is a coward.

Back to the original point.

So David is encircled by the same demons he dealt with before. It may seem like the same situation, but it's not. God won't let it go that far. Here's how your current situation differs from your past:

 You're not the same person!

Even though you are down and depressed now, you are still stronger than you were in the past. Absalom and his officials were afraid of David. They knew God raised him to be a strong fighter. This is the same for you. Don't be fooled. These demons are afraid of you even now as you cry out to God. They know what you are capable of and they know the battles you've won. Here's some of the advice Absalom's advisors gave him:  

Ahithophel said to Absalom, “I would choose twelve thousand men and set out tonight in pursuit of David. I would attack him while he is weary and weak. I would strike him with terror, and then all the people with him will flee. 2 Samuel 17:1-2

 Hushai replied to Absalom, “The advice Ahithophel has given is not good this time. You know your father and his men; they are fighters, and as fierce as a wild bear robbed of her cubs. Besides, your father is an experienced fighter; he will not spend the night with the troops. Even now, he is hidden in a cave or some other place. If he should attack your troops first, whoever hears about it will say, ‘There has been a slaughter among the troops who follow Absalom.’ Then even the bravest soldier, whose heart is like the heart of a lion, will melt with fear, for all Israel knows that your father is a fighter and that those with him are brave. 2 Samuel 17:7-10

David didn't end up lifting a finger during this battle. His men fought for him. This trial ended when Absalom's hair caught onto a tree leaving him hanging like a piñata. David's men coincidently bumped into him as he hung on the branches. They struck him and killed him.

God will handle your situation in the same way. You will not have to go through what you went through before. Show God you trust Him by not giving into fear and depression. Your time will come. When it does, there's nothing anyone can do to take it away from you. Lift your hands and tell God,

 Your righteousness, God, reaches to the heavens,
    you who have done great things.
    Who is like you, God?
 Though you have made me see troubles,
    many and bitter,
    you will restore my life again;
from the depths of the earth
    you will again bring me up.
You will increase my honor
    and comfort me once more. -Psalm 71:19-21

Tell God this and believe it. You have nothing to be sad about, and you have nothing to be afraid of. God is with you now as He always was. He will defeat every demon coming your way and elevate you to the position where you are called to be.

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