Getting rid of the Negativity in your Life

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As soon as I saw this, I knew I had to post it. For those of you going through a season of rejection and disappointments, this is for you. No matter how many times you’ve heard no, and no matter how many times you have planted seeds that have not sprouted, remember God is still God. He can flip a situation instantly, despite how hopeless and impossible it seems. The power of life and death is in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). You can either speak life over your situation, or you can speak death over it. Satan knows this, that’s why he speaks such negative things in your mind. He wants you to think that where you are now is always where you are going to be. He wants you to think because you fell you are not worthy of God’s will. We must decree and declare that satan is a liar.
One season I completely reverted back to my old ways. I’m talking about everything. I went back to cursing, my anger was out of control again, I stopped reading my bible, and I stopped praying. I pretty much threw away everything God had worked so hard to set up in me. God just gave me to my desires knowing that I would get to a point where I would be crying out for Him. As you can guess, I did. I begged God for His mercy. But once satan saw that I was trying to come back to God, there was a tug of war in the spirit. I had God in one ear urging me to come back to Him and I had satan in the other ear telling me I messed up and God is done with me. One morning I heard God’s voice much clearer than I ever had in the past. He told me “No matter what daughter I will always love you and welcome you with open arms.” Many of you are going through a tug of war in the spirit. It could be because you are coming back to God, or maybe you are about to be elevated.  But no matter what the situation is, or how many rejections you have faced, God will never reject you. As long as you are breathing you are in God’s covenant. So print out this chart and look at it every time satan tries to put negative thoughts in your mind. May it remind you every day how favored you are, and how much God loves you.   
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