You must trust God before you can enjoy any type of relationship!!

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John 13:34: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Here’s the thing. I’m TERRIFIED of bees. It’s probably one of my biggest fears. But lately God has been working on me so I can walk outside in the summer without running every two seconds. So I have been learning to trust and say, "no matter how creepy bees are, God will not let anything hurt me." I know what you’re thinking, what does this have to do with anything? Just hang on a second; there is a point to this.

I have a quick story for you. It was a beautiful summer day so I decided to go for a walk. It was the perfect set up for good times and of course, good revelations.

All of a sudden a large beautiful butterfly flew towards me. I quickly reacted by jumping out of the way and running because I thought it was a bee. By the time I realized it was a graceful butterfly, it had flown far away and I was no longer able to see it.

Don’t let fear stop you from seeing the beauty in someone. In order for a relationship to work, you have to trust that God will not let anyone hurt you. I'm not just talking about romantic relationships, I'm talking about friendships, etc. The only way to trust is to let your guards down a bit. If I had taken my own advice and didn’t run when the butterfly flew near me, I would have gotten the chance to see one of God’s beautiful creations. So many of you have butterflies in the spirit all around you. Use wisdom and discernment instead of guarded walls. The difference is one tactic involves constant fellowship with God while the other strategy just closes every opportunity and places it in a box of fear. Trust God and open up! 

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